Vegetarian Nutrition: No Wonder They Say Eat Your Peas!

Frozen peas are great to have in the freezer. For vegetarians, protein is something we are always seeking and it isn’t always easy to come by “quickly”. I read the back of the plastic bag of frozen peas and two-thirds a cup has the following: NO saturated fat, NO transfat, No cholesterol, 4 grams of protein, 35% of daily Vitamin A needs and 25% of our Vitamin C needs. WOW! That’s a lot of helpful vegetable protein and nutrition and two-thirds cup is nothing. So throw frozen peas into your veggie soups, stir fry, fried rice and matzo ball soup. You’ll be glad you did.

Suellen Ocean is the author of the vegetarian cookbook, Poor Jonny’s Cookbook. Available here:

eBook or computer download through Smashwords:

eBook through Barnes & Noble:

Food/Cooking: Discovering the Versatility of Split Peas, No Really…

If you haven’t discovered split pea soup, you’re missing out on a natural “fast food”. Split peas don’t need to be soaked first, cook quickly, are nutritious, versatile and delicious. The only caveat I have is that it must have soy sauce or tamari on it. If you’re in a hurry, cook up some pea soup and douse it with soy sauce before eating, what a delicious meal. Even without good bread to accompany it, you’ll enjoy it. Adding pre-cooked potato chunks add carbs and there is no end to the fresh garden vegetables you can include, especially carrots, they add sweetness. DO NOT FORGET TO ADD A TOUCH OF CURRY SEASONING WITH TUMERICK, a good spice to eat regularly. And if you have access to acorns, try some acorn split pea soup.

Suellen Ocean is the author of Acorns and Eat’em, a how-to vegetarian cookbook and field guide for eating acorns. Find it here:–Vegetarian-Cookbook/dp/1491288973


Cooking With “New World” Foods

America added new foods and flavors to diets everywhere traders could deliver. We’re still finding creative ways to cook with foods from the New World, some of which are: peanuts, avocado, potatoes, vanilla, pepper, corn, Jerusalem artichokes, papaya, wild rice, green beans, pinto beans, pineapple, and last but certainly not least tomatoes.

Suellen Ocean is the author of the vegetarian cookbook, Poor Jonny’s Cookbook. Available here:

eBook or computer download through Smashwords:

eBook through Barnes & Noble:

Tofu… How Do You Cook It?

Tofu…  How do you cook it? You can fry it like bacon, break it up and boil it in soups, bake it, microwave it, broil it, steam it or any other way you can imagine. Cooking it in a cast iron skillet that is only lightly oiled, then cooking the tofu over medium heat with a lid on will give it a combination steamed/fried effect. Tofu can be cooked this way, then served with gravy. It can be cooked this way then marinated.

Suellen Ocean is the author of the vegetarian cookbook, Poor Jonny’s Cookbook. Available here:

eBook or computer download through Smashwords:

eBook through Barnes & Noble:

Protein, Protein, Protein … but not too much

As a vegetarian if I don’t receive enough protein I will eat and eat and eat … and eat! Until my body receives the protein it needs, I’m hungry! Yet I cringe when I read about cancer being caused by a “protein” that runs amok. Eating too much protein can cause its problems and finding adequate protein without turning to animal sources is sometimes frustrating. But mixing the right amino acids together, which can mean beans and rice is crucial to satisfying hunger.

It’s very tempting to simplify things and think that because one is obese they are well-fed. Protein is expensive and many who are struggling financially eat a lot of starches (macaroni and cheese boxes) to get by. Higher quality starches like whole grain brown rice and whole grain pastas and breads, though they are more expensive, are a better bargain in the long run because of the nutrition they provide.

Suellen Ocean is the author of Gold River one of her books for a buck available at Amazon.

Dangerous Garden Warnings

The garden can be a dangerous place. No kidding! On Sunday I encountered a HUGE snake, slithering amongst the end of summer overgrowth but that said, the mice were beginning to ruin all my tomatoes and cantaloupe. Now I walk gingerly and keep my hands out of those overgrown corners. Earlier in the year the hornets were everywhere but I let them swarm around me while I worked, they never once bothered me and if it hadn’t been for them pollinating, I wouldn’t have had fruit. Now they are gone and the bees have moved in for the second round of flowers but I did get stung and it gives me the chills thinking of it now. Those hornets built a nest under my front porch. In the garden we got along fine but when my hat brushed against their nest, several of them came after me, ouch! As I walk out into the garden now, after having seen that snake, which I’m not sure if it is a rattler or not, I will remember the warning the hornets gave me.  I won’t wait for a warning from the snake as it just might be the “Don’t tread on me” variety.

Suellen Ocean is the author of Gold River one of her books for a buck available at Amazon.

From Mice To Moose-Sized Deer / Predators In My Garden

I think the mice are eating as much as the deer, although it is a huge thrill to come face to face with a buck staring you down on the other side of the garden fence. But the deer stay out while the mice party down night and day on organic heirloom tomatoes and cantaloupe. My husband told me the neighbor’s cat was in there yesterday. Much as I love those cute little mice, I hope our feline friend enjoys his daily patrol and the rodents go back to their native fare … acorns!


Suellen Ocean is the author of Gold River one of her books for a buck available at Amazon.

End of Summer – Not the Time to be Apathetic

If you’re a gardener like I am, you may be a tad exhausted after months of soil preparation, weeding, watering and harvesting but the end of summer is not the time to shrug and let the garden go. Keep watering, weeding and if necessary fertilizing. You’ll get a lot more produce that way, which is what you planted it for. Right?

Suellen Ocean is the author of Gold River one of her books for a buck available at Amazon.

Bonding With Your Home & Garden

There’s nothing like going out into the garden and picking fresh vegetables and grabbing a few handfuls of fresh strawberries. It helps me bond with my surroundings. I feel uncomfortable when I am too busy to keep my garden to my standards (which aren’t THAT high, I’m a funky gardener). Uncomfortable because a garden sustains me physically and spiritually, it literally feeds me in those two ways. Whether it is one solo tomato plant or an acre of corn, those of us who put a seed into the ground and nurture it, feel a special bond with our surroundings, a grounding so to speak. No pun intended.

Suellen Ocean is the author of Poor Jonny’s Cookbook.


Tahini Sauce

Tahini Sauce

This sauce is quite tasty and can be used over mashed potatoes, rice, tofu or vegetables. Tahini is made from ground sesame seeds.

1 & ½ Tbs Tahini

1 & ½ Tbs tamari

1 clove minced garlic

½ cup water

Over medium heat, using a small saucepan, melt the tahini with the other ingredients. Cool and keep refrigerated.

Suellen Ocean is the author of Poor Jonny’s Cookbook.