No Wonder We’re So Stressed

Secret Genealogy IV CoverYes, I know, this election season is enough to bring the strongest of us to toss and turn at night. Throw in the wars and rumors of wars and keep the media on and well… it gets unpleasant. But if you’re like me, you enjoy keeping abreast of what’s going on. What makes it worse is the style of media advertising these days. Loud, obnoxious and way too fast. Modern technology is enabling the techs to speed up the ads. You get some guy on there, touting a product, already talking too fast, and then the tech speeds it up? Do ya think? OMG, get me some ice for my head. Now I’m wondering if technicians tinker with the speed of talk show hosts too. Are they speeding the voices up? Just a little? Geesh. All we need now are the irritating sounds of drones buzzing overhead. That would make it complete.

What we don’t need is faster, faster. We need time to take deep breaths and collect our thoughts. Time to reverence our children, ponder nature, eat slowly and enjoy our books and movies at a leisurely pace. Life is a beautiful thing. Time to fine-tune nirvana.

Suellen Ocean is the author of many books on diverse topics. Her books are available here:

Acorns And Eat’em…

CreatespaceAcornsAndEat'emFRONTCOVERIt is slim pickings in my neck of the woods this year. There are no acorns coming from the Blue Oak or the California Live Oaks on my property. And I see very few California Valley Oak acorns along the stream where they were prolific last year. I’m sure I will find acorns. My son lives in the California Coastal Mountain Range and I have a variety of elevations and ecosystems available to me here in the Sierra Foothills and further up into the mountains. I feel bad when I see the squirrels and the wild turkeys looking for them and not finding them.

I am pleased to note that the “Acorns And Eat’em” book will be available in ebook form on November 15th. You can order it here:–Vegetarian-Cookbook/dp/1491288973

Let me know how the acorn harvest is this year in your neck of the woods.


Suellen Ocean