Using Olive Oil for Skin Care

As we age, our skin dries out. The older we get, the drier it gets. It can get so dry, dermatologists have been known to recommend heavy products like Vaseline. Natural olive oil is an excellent way to clean and moisturize your skin. It doesn’t contain polluting chemicals. It’s just as pure as you can get. Take a small bottle, like the kind that vanilla comes in (the little dark brown bottles) and fill it with olive oil. Keep it in the bathroom. After bathing, before drying off, while the skin is still warm and moist, apply small dollops of olive oil all over your skin. From head to toe. Rub it in well. Afterward, blot it with a towel. Be careful not to get it in your eyes. It is a little irritating and hard to focus if you accidentally get it in your eyes, so be careful with that. It also gets on your towel. It washes out but not always entirely so you might need to retire your towels sooner. It won’t hurt your hair and scalp if it gets on it, olive oil treatments have been around for ages. But olive oil is greasy and it could take several days to wash out of your hair so be careful, unless you want to brush it in and slick it back and let the oil treat your hair for a while.

I’ve been using olive oil as skin care for years. I also use it like cold cream. I apply the olive oil onto my face and neck and then take a wet washcloth and blot it. Works wonderfully. Once you get used to using an all-natural product, it’s hard to use something with chemicals and additives. Ancient Grecian mothers understood the cleaning properties of vegetable oils, they used olive oil and tepid water to clean their babies. One last thing… make sure it’s real olive oil. California olive oil has a good reputation for purity.

Suellen Ocean is the author of the Civil War Era Historic Romance, Black Pansy:

Wrinkles… What the Doctor Says… Works For Me

When I was in college, I took a class called the Biology of Aging. It was a wonderful course, with a considerate professor who was constantly reassuring and informing us about what was “normal” for our aging bodies. When it came to studying the integumentary system (skin, hair, nails and various glands located in the skin) Dr. B said, “The worst thing about skin is that it’s so visible and people are judgmental.” Ha! Ya think? But the wise doctor left us with deeper thoughts. He told us that in Eastern Europe they were proud of wrinkles. They tried to look older because that placed them into a higher pecking order. I’ll bet that’s why we often see pictures of an iconic Eastern European woman with a wrinkled suntanned face and a big huge smile. I believe I saw this type of picture during the Winter Olympics hosted by Russia. Obviously, people think differently in other parts of the world.

Suellen Ocean is co-author of The Common Sense Guide to Good Sex Available here:

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You Can Put On All the Make-Up In the World But…

There are thousands of make-up products one can slap onto their face but it will never take the place of the healthy glow we get from exercise. During the winter it’s hard to get outside and “play” and the cold weather can dry and weather your skin but there’s no substitute for a blood-pumping walk. I’m a nature lover and live in the country. I lift rocks, push around bales of hay, toss logs and garden and I make trails and drag branches. But most of the time I take a break from my writing projects and just go for a plain old walk. When I return I can’t help but notice that my cheeks are flushed (rosy), my eyes sparkle and my lips are red. There she is, the healthy me. The younger looking me.

Suellen Ocean is the author of the vegetarian cookbook, Poor Jonny’s Cookbook. Available here:

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What In the World is a Fetish?

I doubt very much that your children, if you have them, will ask you “What’s a fetish?” the way I asked my father, “What’s an aphrodisiac?” It could happen but it probably won’t and if it did, I’m not absolutely certain you’d know the correct answer. Most of us probably think of a sexy pair of red high-heels when we hear “fetish” and then picture a kinky shoe salesman hovering over a nylon stocking, footed female, gently placing that shoe upon her foot. You would be mistaken if you thought that the shoe was the fetish, technically, the fetish would be toward the foot. A “fetish” is an erotic interest on a part of the body, as the foot. The word derives from the French word “facticius,” as an adjective it means “artificial” and as a noun it refers to sorcery or to the magical power a charm might possess. If you wear a crystal around your neck to ward of evil and protect you from disease, the crystal would be a fetish.

Suellen Ocean is co-author of The Common Sense Guide to Good Sex Available here:


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