The One Style Thingy That Will Last Forever – High Heels

It’s true, high-heeled shoes have been around for a long time and I suspect they will live on forever. Long after we are dead and buried or our ashes float down the river, there will be women (and men) wobbling around on high heels. They are horrible for your back but even the smartest of people wear them any way. And you can tell how great they feel tottering on those stilettos or high-heeled boots, “Look at me,” the shoes say and we do and sometimes we laugh as they limp off or pity them when we see that grimace upon their face. I never wear stilettos, never owned a pair but I have had several platform shoes and still do and my closet has several pair of cowboy boots with heels. I feel so good when I wear those cowboy boots (except when my feet hurt) and I’m not sure why. Yes, they make me a little taller but that’s just extra. Like I said, high heels are c’est terrible but they will be around for a painfully long time. Pun intended.  Suellen Ocean is the author of Gold River. Available here:

Gold River:

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Small Town People – Are They Happier?

One thing about small towns is that everybody knows everyone else’s business – that seems to be the biggest complaint, but after that is acknowledged what’s left behind are plenty of pluses for living among a low population. Your universe is smaller so you can be somebody. The people who keep our lives running, the local cement guy, the fireman, the horsewoman, even the lady who works at the laundry can all be celebrities and well-respected because in a small town, where everyone knows one another, respect is gained for honesty, friendliness, humor, loyalty, good business practices and all the other positive attributes that come with a job well-done. I’m not saying that small town feel doesn’t present itself in the city as there are some neighborhoods or “villages” even in New York where it does, but there is nothing like the familiarity and comfort coming from knowing your neighbors and townies so well you literally trust your most precious possessions with them – your babies when you run to the store.

Suellen Ocean is the author of Gold River. Available here:

Gold River:

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Stock Up… Just In Case… But Stock Up On What?

Stock up on wholegrains like brown rice, wheat berries and corn. Both the wheat berries and the corn can be sprouted, increasing their nutrition and they are likely to stay uneaten in your pantry because, well, how many of us eat whole-wheat berries or whole kernel corn? If the time arises and you need your survival food, the wheat berries and kernel corn can be soaked and sprouted for a few days before steaming and eating. Brown rice definitely instead of white rice, do some research about the nutrition of white rice compared to brown and you will agree. Whole-wheat flour and cornmeal are also good foods for stashing away; flat chapatti-style breads can be made with these flours by adding water and cooking on a cast iron griddle. Sprout seeds are wonderful to have as you can make a nice meal with a chapatti covered in sprouts. Buy a bag of soybeans for your pantry too, they have lots of protein.

Suellen Ocean is the author of the vegetarian cookbook, Poor Jonny’s Cookbook. Available here:

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An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away? Really?

An apple a day keeps the doctor away? Really? The apple didn’t gain that reputation for no reason. Next time you’re a little bit hungry (not starving) have an apple, watch how it takes the edge off. Next time you are craving candy, have an apple, notice how it helps take that sugar craving away. Having problems with constipation? Have an apple, more often. Are you low on vitamin C? Have an apple. If you have a juicer, see if you can find an abandoned orchard and drink fresh apple juice. After several days of that watch your complexion turn rosy. Suellen Ocean is the author of the vegetarian cookbook, Poor Jonny’s Cookbook. Available here:

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You Are What You Eat? Really?

You are what you eat? Really? Yes! You sure are. There’s nothing like a fantastic diet to generate stamina and maintain health. Junk food days can add up as the years go by but the body responds well to “turning your life around” and there’s no better time than the present to begin to do that. Whole grains instead of white, a little 100% maple syrup instead of sugar, no candy, fresh vegetables (steamed not fried) and fresh fruit. You’ll never be sorry. Suellen Ocean is the author of the vegetarian cookbook, Poor Jonny’s Cookbook. Available here:

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You Love Sugar? That’s a Tough One to Break …

I’ve heard that when you crave sugar what you really need is protein. It’s unfortunate to be addicted to refined white sugar and all the myriad of products it’s listed in. Any more than a little bit can make you feel uncomfortable in your skin. It’s also hard on your teeth and I understand that the condition of your teeth can speak volumes about the condition of your bones. You can beat it. Awareness is the first step.

Suellen Ocean is the author of the vegetarian cookbook, Poor Jonny’s Cookbook. Available here:

eBook or computer download through Smashwords:

eBook through Barnes & Noble: