How to Get Rest? Pretend You’re Sick

Most of us know that if we don’t receive enough rest, eventually we’ll get sick. Current research has informed us that continual sleep deprivation might make us vulnerable to cancer. So how do we find the time to rest when life calls otherwise? We can “pretend” we’re sick. Yes, I know, we’re still stuck in the psychology of the, “Good work ethic,” “Super Mom/Dad,” and, “Just do it,” but when it comes to the all-important topic of rest, ignore the slogans and come up with others, “We only love others as much as we love ourselves,” “Stop and smell the roses,” and “Our body is a temple of God”. So when you find yourself feeling guilty for resting and your mind screams words like, “Slacker” and “Lazy,” just remember that if you don’t rest, your body will get sick and MAKE you rest, so “pretend” you are a bit under the weather, curl up in a pile of cushions and rest. YOU are the keeper of YOUR body and YOU deserve it. Suellen Ocean is the author of Poor Jonny’s Cookbook. Available here:


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Lavender Wash Water… The Romans Did It

During Roman times, lavender was used to perfume bathing water. The Latin word, Lavandula means, “to wash.” The Romans also started the art of topiary, the creative pruning of plants, which they used lavender for, as well as rosemary and juniper. After Rome fell, the art of cultivating gardens fell to Christian monks. In the monasteries, they grew medicinal plants and flowers for religious services, and they studied the genetic characteristics of the plants they bred. Suellen Ocean is the author of the historic novel The Celtic Prince Available here:


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The Celtic Prince

What’s a “Freak Flag?”

During the 1960’s and 70’s, I began hearing the word, “freak.” The word was used by hippies who liked differentiating themselves from mainstream America. When I heard the expression, I envisioned Frankenstein, so was not endeared to the term, as were those who used it proudly. Jimmy Hendrix used the expression, “freak flag,” as did rock star, David Crosby, referring to his long hair. Flying your freak flag is also associated with letting loose, being creative, having fun in an adventurous way, thinking outside the box, that sort of thing. The dictionary defines freak as abnormal or irregular but also whimsical or fancy. I’ve always thought of a freak flag as the long ponytail of a man. There are still a lot of those around. Perhaps they’ve heard that there are pheromones in long hair, pheromones that are sexually attractive. Suellen Ocean is the author of the contemporary novels Gold River and Gone North. Available here:


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